Dot book

YEAR 2019

37° aims to develop products that reconnect people. It is a format, a facility that brings different actors closer together, based on an honest idea and with products made by people at a distance from the labor market in sheltered workplaces. In this way, 37° makes both designers and makers more visible and also contributes to the growth process of vulnerable groups in our society. Their products are made locally in response to overseas imports that consumers have no personal connection to. 37° works with a transparent structure and with sustainable materials, as circular or recycled as possible. From their identity and skills, Roel came up with the idea to do something with stickers.
The Dotbook is the result of my interpretation of all input during our joint sessions. Every book is different and together they form one graphic work. With the book and the preformatted dots, Roel provided the makers with a “framework” within which they could be creative themselves, in contrast to the series work and the routine jobs that are usually outsourced to them. In this way the banal activity of pasting is elevated to a personal expression of creativity in a place where you do not expect it. The result for the makers is a better self-image, more self-confidence, fun and pride.